From New Mexico Magazine

Chimayó heirloom chiles throw off heat and flavor in a new Tabasco-style sauce.
Finally, you can get a jab of tang and heat from a local hot sauce, made with cherished heirloom red chiles grown in the village of Chimayó. … Read More

From The Santa Fe New Mexican

…Because Chimayó chile is in short supply — Garcia said fewer than 50 farmers produce less than 5 tons of Chimayó chile in a year — Garcia only uses Chimayó chile powder in the Tsimayó Milagro blend, which will only be sold in New Mexico. The original blend that will be sold everywhere else has no Chimayó chile.
The base ingredient of both blends is distilled vinegar, tabasco pepper and red habañero pepper.
“I only get 1,000 pounds of Chimayó powder,” Garcia said. “That produces about 10,000 bottles.”
Garcia said 50 percent of the profits of the Milagro blend will go to El Santuario de Chimayó…. Read More
From Fox News New Mexico

The initial Tsimayo offerings will feature two hot sauces, the classic Tsimayo Original hot sauce containing habanero and tabasco peppers and the limited edition Chimayo Chile-based hot sauce, the Milagro blend.
While there is an excessively high demand for these rare chiles in the national market, it cannot be met since the Chimayo chiles cannot be met since the Chimayo chiles can only be grown in the specific environmental region.
More about Tsimayo…
Media/Press Contact
Alexis Tappan – AKT Communications